Eleni Kasimati, 55yrs
Awareness Through Movement Teacher, Greece
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I was thinking that I would like to share some realizations I have done of my new self after my first Symposium at Amita.


Slowly, I realize that my anxieties are not so urgent any more. Before when I was getting anxious I had to talk with someone to help me , I was getting very fast desperate, it was urgent.

Now I feel, that when I don't feel well , I get anxious or afraid or feel oppressed or inferior to others,or I make catastrophic  stories in my mind,  I take time. I take time to work it in myself . See what happens if I stay with these thoughts for a while, if something could happen from it self. I have realized that when I have accepted staying with what worries me and don't panic, when it's time , something new comes out.Something changes. Like something in me becomes more peaceful , more human, more with love. It looks like I start seeing things as they really are not as I thought they were. And my relationship with people is smoother with more understanding and kindness.And it seems that I get an answer from someone coming closer to me as to prove me that things are going well. I become slowly lighter , seeing the perspective that I can be happy , fulfilled, playful, alive, lovable,and I feel appreciation inside me.


I use the Amita products since 28 December 2011 and since a while I feel that the products are like my allies . They support me, I am not exposed so much , I am in a certain way protected. They also work for me. They work for me to help me become better,lighter, simpler, happier , able to help other people to become like them.


For about 8 years I had muscles pain all over my body, and I was constantly tired. Very very tired. I had to decide to do things, and I could do only small proportions at a time. The feeling was that I was getting old, depressed , no more life for me. Inside me I was constantly asking myself how would I get out of this. I never believed what the doctors told me . It sounded so like an idea in a box,  small, that it did not make sense to me.


Since three weeks I do bicycle again after 20 years. I just started to do gymnastic . All this one year ago was unimaginable..

I feel that as I go on I become younger. My body functions as if I was younger. It's such a great feeling ! I become stronger , healthier, more alive..


I noticed that when I have  worrying thoughts I start feeling the fatigue I had before.


I feel that as I continue in  my new path, the Amita path, I get more trust to the system the universe the god.
And so I go..


25 September 2012









Eleni Kasimati


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